Indian Leader In Teleprompters


Record Your Professional Videos In One Shot With ProtShot Teleprompters By DigioCraft

All Over India Delivery

Do You Want To Create Your Videos In OneShot ...
Without Remembering The Long Scripts , Multiple Re-takes And Time Consuming Editing Process ??? 

ProShot Teleprompter Is
The Solution !!!

What Is TelePrompter ?

A Teleprompter Is A Device That Allows A Presenter / Artist To Read A Script While Maintaining Direct Eye Contact With The Audience Through The Camera.
Like Professional "News Readers".

Your Audience Would Never Know You Are Reading !!!

Watch How Our Customers are Creating Video With PROSHOT Teleprompter.

Compatible With All The Recording Devices - DSLR, Smart Phones, Webcams

ProShot Teleprompter Is Capable Enough To Hold All Types Of Smartphones , DSLR Cameras, TV Cameras And Webcams For Projection & Recording.  
Remote Control Projection Operation Helps In Smooth Video Content Delivery.

Best In Class Teleprompter For Video Creation

Why DigioCraft Teleprompters ? 

Be Professional Like Television Artist & Moderators

No More Retakes & Waste Of Energy In Editing Your Videos

Explain Your Product , Services & Topics With Confidence.

Control Your Emotions And Speech With Remote Clicks